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Company Profile
Leader Co.Ltd. belongs to Shandong Taian Dongyue I/E Group Corp. which is a big state-owned group co***ny and has the right to import and export. There are 6 import & export departments in our head office and 3 plants dealing with import & export more than 360 kinds of commodities with customers all over the world, including grain and oil, foodstuff, native and livestock products, handicraft, garment, industrial products, textile, chemicals, machinery, apparatus, tools, ferrous metal, especially export in the line of machinery, industrial materials, light industrial products, chemicals, hardware, building material, electronics....
ĦĦĦĦWe only can show very small part of our products in this web page, so if you can find any interested commodities here or you can not find some products, please don't hesitate to contact with us for more information.

Contact Us
Company: China
Contact: Mr. Li Xiang
Address: No.43,JiaoChang street.
Postcode: 271000
Tel: 008653888223344
Fax: 008653888223344

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